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Material mining

Material mining


1. Intelligent spot materials

Intelligent material warehouse, stock stock of standing materials, to provide delivery and quality assurance for foundry services.

2. Brand channel cooperation

  • 100+ channel brands/original factories and designated distributors

  • Source manufacturers, more favorable prices, more assured production


3. BOM allocation process

①Customer BOM review

②Existing library matching components


③The purchase is not matched successfully

stock material

④Order materials before storage

IQC picking

⑤Welding process

(on demand)

⑥Sampling inspection of shipment

⑦Anti-static packaging storage

⑧ Logistics delivery


4. Types of components

Component classification

Filters, functional modules, buzzers/speakers, fuses, crystal oscillators, drivers, memories, sensors, amplifiers/linear devices, inductors/chokes/transformers, capacitors, resistors, processors and microcontrollers, transistors, diodes , power chip, connector, optocoupler/light-emitting tube/infrared, key switch/relay, chip/IC

The above devices are part of the device, please inquire for specific requirements

5. Please know the material BOM standard

  • Five elements of BOM: material description, model, dosage, tag number, packaging, all are indispensable

  • The number of tag numbers is consistent with the amount of the material to avoid repeated tag numbers and lack of tag numbers.

  • The same material is displayed on the same line and listed one by one. Try not to use R1-5 but to use R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 to indicate

  • Do not hide the content of the BOM. If there is any change, special remarks are required, and the model of the replacement material should be marked.

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  • 0755-27267961
  • 1393138727

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